"My name is Amanda and I am a 19 year old Canadian girl. I've been looking at your site, and I felt compelled to drop you a line and let you know just how wonderful I feel your work is. Your photographs are breathtaking, and that is looking at them on the glare of a computer screen...I cannot comprehend how they must look in actual, physical form. I read what you have written regarding your work, the production of it, and the controversy surrounding it. I must agree wholeheartedly that there is a definite line between pornography and art. Your photographs are the epitome of beauty, and beauty is art. I cannot fathom how anyone could be so closed minded as to see it differently. Another point I would like to make is that your photographs appear to really capture youthful, feminine beauty, as well as respecting it. These are by no means pictures intended to typecast women as sexual objects. The respect for the female form shown in your photographs is commendable, and I would like to express my sincere appreciation for that."
"Amanda" by email